Watersentry VII Water Filter Replacement Cartridge (1500 Gallons)
Part Number: 80343
Manufacturer: Elkay Manufacturing / Halsey Taylor
Mfg Number: 55897C
Watersentry VII Replacement Water Filter Cartridge (1500 gallons) Replacement filter cartridge for HWF172 WaterSentry® VII systems in water coolers and fountains. Equipped with Quick-Disconnect, 1/4 turn installation, as well as automatic inlet shut-off valve that closes when filter is removed.
Dimensions: L: 3-1/2" W: 3-1/2" H: 12"
Capacity: 1500 Gallons
Service Flow Rate: 1.5 GPM For cold water only.
Maximum temperature: 100 degrees Fahrenheit
Max Pressure: 105 PSI
System conforms to the following standards for water treatment systems:
• Aesthetic Chlorine Particulate - Class 1 Taste and Odor Reduction
• Lead Reduction
• Spec Sheet (PDF)
• Performance Data Sheet (PDF)
Elkay recommends replacing this filter every 1,500 gallons or 6 months after installation.